Working With Us

Study Success Happens by Design

Successful studies are no accident. With experience from over 10,000 metabolomic studies across hundreds of experimental models, we have the expertise to help you design a study that delivers specific answers to your specific questions, ensuring you get the most out of your research.

Collaborative Study Design

All successful studies require three main components: a clearly defined objective, strong study design elements, and adequate study power. We ensure these components are incorporated into every study—which increases the data quality and improves the chance of success.

We support research projects from the moment study requirements are being considered to help you design a successful study that effectively and economically answers your research questions. Every study begins with a one-on-one consultation to fully understand your research goals. Once we understand your goals, we can work with you to design a metabolomic study that will detect salient “cause and effect” metabolic changes with proper consideration of sample types, time points, doses, and phenotypic/disease severity.

Poor Metabolomics Coverage Limits Biological Understanding
Intelligent Study Design

Intelligent Study Design

Strong study design elements are central to uncovering biologically significant results. To minimize variation—and, therefore, noise—the following four design elements must be met: selection of an appropriate matrix, collection of adequate exposures (i.e., dose and time of collection), use of controls for every tested variable, and consistency across the study. Armed with a good understanding of your study goals, our scientists can help you ensure that your study design elements are optimized for minimizing variation and maximizing discovery potential.

Powered by Expertise

Adequate study power is central to uncovering statistically significant results. Even an otherwise well-designed study can produce ambiguous results if not sufficiently powered. At Metabolon, our 2000+ publications demonstrate our understanding of the factors related to successful experiments. We can help you design properly powered, properly controlled experiments by leveraging our extensive metabolomic experience to ensure your study can overcome biological variation, process variation, collection site variation, and multiple other factors.
Broad Coverage Leads to Actionable Insights

See how Metabolon can advance your path to preclinical and clinical insights

Why Metabolon?

Once you see the full value of metabolomics, the only remaining question is who does it best? While many laboratories have metabolite profiling or analytical chemistry capabilities, comprehensive metabolomics technologies are extremely rare. Accurate, unbiased metabolite identification across the entire metabolome introduces signal-to-noise challenges that very few labs are equipped to handle. Also, translating massive quantities of data into actionable information is slow, if not impossible, for most because proper interpretation takes two things that are in short supply: experience and a comprehensive database.

Only Metabolon has all four core metabolomics capabilities



Ability to interrogate thousands of metabolites across diverse biochemical space, revealing new insights and opportunities



Ability to integrate the data from different studies into the same dataset, in different geographies, among different patients over time



Ability to inform on proper study design, generate high‐quality data, derive biological insights, and make actionable recommendations



Ability to process hundreds of thousands of samples quickly and cost‐efficiently to service rapidly growing demand

Partner with Metabolon to access:


A library of 5,400+ known metabolites, 2,000 in human plasma, all referenced in the context of biochemical pathways

  • That’s 5x the metabolites of the closest competitor

Unparalleled depth and breadth of experience analyzing and interpreting metabolomic data to find meaningful results

  • 10,000+ projects with hundreds of clients
  • 3,500+ publications covering 500 diseases, including numerous peer-reviewed journals such as Cell, Nature and Science
  • Nearly 40 PhDs in data science, molecular biology, and biochemistry

Using our robust platform and visualization tools, our experts are uniquely able to tell you more about your molecule and develop assay panels to help you zero in on the results you need.

Contact Us

Talk with an expert

Request a quote for our services, get more information on sample types and handling procedures, request a letter of support, or submit a question about how metabolomics can advance your research.

Corporate Headquarters

617 Davis Drive, Suite 100
Morrisville, NC 27560

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 110407
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

+1 (919) 572-1721