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Exploratory Panels

Metabolon Target

Exploratory Panels

R Any Panel

R Any Matrix

R Any Study







About Exploratory Panels

Absolute quantification of any analyte, in any sample, anytime—All Metabolon Target targeted panels and assays are available to purchase as Exploratory Panels.

An Exploratory Panel allows customers to leverage Metabolon’s expertly developed and validated methods in any exploratory matrix, giving you immediate access to high-quality, rigorously tested, optimized, and calibrated methodology as the foundations for your study using any sample type.

Explore Functional Phenotype In Any Biological Sample

Swipe left/right to view the full table.

Plant Matrices
Alfalfa Algae Alligator Wood Allium
Apple Arabidopsis Blueberry Brassica
Cacao Camelina Corn Cotton
Cranberry Cucumber Euphoria Ginseng
Hibiscus Hydrangea Iceplant Kalanchoe
Maize Millet Moss Oat
Opuntia (Cactus) Orange Oryza Sativa (Rice) Palm
Pea Peanut Peony Pepper
Petunia Pine Pomegranate Poplar
Potato Pumpkin Selaginella Sorphum
Soybean Sporobolus Sugar Beet Sugarcane
Summergrass Switchgrass Teff Tobacco
Tomato Walnut Watermelon Wheat
Human Matrices
Adrenal Gland Amniotic Fluid Aqueous Humor Ascites
BALF Bile Bone Marrow Breast Milk
Breath Condensate Cartilage Colon Dried Blood Spots
Endometrium Fallopian Tube Feces Hair Follicles
Heart Illeum Kidney Liver
Muscle Ovary Plasma Prostate
Retina Saliva Sebum Serum
Skin Spleen Sweat Synovial Fluid
Tears Tumor Urine Urine Sediment
Vitreous Fluid Whole Blood
Animal Matrices
Cat Chicken Cow Dog
Dolphin Ferret Fish (various) Fox
Frog Goat Guinea Pig Hamster
Horse Insect (various) Lobster Mollusk (various)
Monkey Mouse Nematode Pig
Rabbit Rat Reptile (various) Sea Urchin
Sheep Squirrel
Other Matrices
Cell Media Fungus (Yeast) Hydrolysates Mammalian Cells (CHO, HELA, Lymphocytes, RBC, etc.)
Non-Mammalian Cells (Bacteria, etc.) Organoids Phytoplankton

Validating the Non-Validated

While unlikely, using a validated methodology with a non-validated matrix may inflate the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), complicating the analysis of your samples. To ensure the data we collect for your study is accurate and meets Metabolon’s quality standards for all validated Metabolon Target panels, we may ask you to first participate in an initial pilot study. This will give you an early indication of the ability of the combination of our panel and your chosen matrix to potentially detect, identify, and quantify biomarkers, allowing us to proceed with your full study with confidence.

Sample Matrix Validation Services

We partner with businesses and institutions to develop targeted metabolomics services for all research areas and commercial objectives. If your study relies on a specific matrix or a unique set of analytes, inquire about our Sample Matrix Validation or Custom Method Development services. Any validation or development request will be tailored to your needs and ensure the highest possible accuracy, quality, and reproducibility for your current and future projects.

Delivering Absolute Quantification for Research and Biomarker Analysis

Our readily available or custom developed quantitative assays help you achieve your research and biomarker validation objectives with precise and fully validated methods. Our targeted assays and panels cover >1,000 metabolites and lipids across a wide range of biochemical classes, metabolic pathways, and physiological processes, and they can be customized to best fit any application.

Sample Matrix Validation Details

Our Quality—ISO 9001:2015 Certified Laboratory

Metabolon offers three levels of sample validation: Exploratory (research-oriented, limited validation), RUO (Routine Use Only), and GCP/GCLP (Good Clinical Practice / Good Clinical Laboratory Practice).

All methods at Metabolon are validated to adhere to Metabolon’s ISO 9001:2015 certified quality system. Validation experiments are based on the FDA, EMA, and ICH M10 Bioanalytical Guidance documents. All data are peer-reviewed, and a summary report containing the results of the validation experiment is provided.

For GCP/GCLP validation, all experiments and acceptance criteria strictly adhere to the FDA, EMA, and ICH M10 Bioanalytical Guidances. All GCP/GCLP studies are peer-reviewed and audited by the Metabolon Quality Assurance Department. A validation report containing all of the elements listed in the M10 Bioanalytical Guidance is provided.

The table below outlines all evaluated analytical performance parameters for Exploratory, RUO, and GCP/GCLP standards.

ISO 9001

Swipe left/right to view the full table.

Method Validation Offerings
Evaluated Parameters Exploratory RUO GCP/GCLP
Linearity, Accuracy, and Precision of Calibration Standards ✓ (1 run) (3 runs) (3 runs)
QC Precision Accuracy ✓ (3 levels) ✓ (3 levels)
Lower Limit of Quantitation ✓ (1 run) ✓ (3 runs) ✓ (3 runs)
Selectivity ✓ (1 run) ✓ (3 runs) ✓ (3 runs)
Carryover ✓ (1 run) ✓ (3 runs) ✓ (3 runs)
Dilution Accuracy
Extraction Recovery (also used to show accuracy)
Sample Stability Testing – Benchtop Stability
Sample Stability Testing – Freeze/Thaw Stability
Secondary Instrument
Matrix Effect Testing
Sample Stability Testing – Long-Term Stability
Extract Stability Testing
Run Injection Stability Testing
Solution Stability Testing
QA Review

Big Insights with Metabolon

Cited in over 3,000 publications, we help scientists and manufacturers gain greater insight into their studies through metabolomics. See how our approach can become a successful part of your workflow.

Contact Us

Talk with an expert

Request a quote for our services, get more information on sample types and handling procedures, request a letter of support, or submit a question about how metabolomics can advance your research.

Corporate Headquarters

617 Davis Drive, Suite 100
Morrisville, NC 27560

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 110407
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

+1 (919) 572-1711

+1 (919) 572-1721