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September 15-18, 2022
University of Alberta Conference Centre,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Join us at:
The 4th Annual MANA Conference (2022)
15-18 September, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The Metabolomics Association of North America (MANA) is hosting it’s 4th annual conference in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and Metabolon will be joining in the discussions looking to advance the function of metabolomic studies across North American life science projects.

The mission of MANA is to promote the growth and development of the field of metabolomics, and we are looking forward to join over 200 delegates come together to demonstrate their contribution to the field of metabolomics research.

Join Metabolon’s Field Application Scientist, Heino Heyman, Ph.D, as he presents a poster titled “Let’s get personal: Dried Blood Spot (DBS) bringing precision metabolomics to the bedside.”. Heino will discuss practical examples, and demonstrate how dried blood spot samples can make metabolomic analyses more accessible to wider research and diagnostic applications.

For more information please visit the MANA 2022 website.